Wednesday, April 24, 2024

The Yoga Institute Announces Free Access to "Samattvam" Yoga OPD in Honor of Dr. Jayadeva Yogendra's Birth Anniversary

The Yoga Institute, Santa Cruz, Mumbai in honour of the auspicious occasion of Dr. Jayadeva Yogendra's birth anniversary on 27th April 2024 proudly announces free access to the "Samattvam" Yoga OPD

MUMBAI, 24 APRIL, 2024 (AMN): The Yoga Institute, the world's oldest organized Yoga centre, is pleased to announce that the "Samattvam" Yoga OPD which was previously available at a nominal fee will now be offered to the public for free in honour of the auspicious occasion of Dr. Jayadeva Yogendra's birth anniversary on 27th April 2024. 

The Samattvam Yoga OPD initiative was launched in 1984, has conducted more than 2500 sessions and treated more than 75000 patients. By removing the nominal fee charged earlier, The Yoga Institute hopes to make the transformative benefits of yoga more accessible to everyone; continuing Dr. Jayadeva Yogendra's mission of making the profound benefits of Yoga accessible to each and every member of society.

The Yoga OPD "Samattvam" offers a varieties of holistic health and wellness services such as personalised medical consultations,  individualized yoga consultations with experienced instructors, kriya, pranayama and asana sessions focusing on holistic well-being, curated sattvik diet-plans, in-depth lifestyle practices for stress management, measurement of vital body parameters and overall health enhancement. With this initiative, The Yoga Institute aims to promote a healthier and happier community by empowering society with the knowledge and tools to incorporate yoga into their daily lives. In celebration of Dr. Jayadeva Yogendra's birthday, The Yoga Institute invites everyone to take advantage of this special opportunity to experience the transformative power of yoga through the "Samattvam" Yoga OPD, now offered free of charge.

Dr. Hansaji Yogendra believes that making 'Samattvam' accessible to all is a fitting tribute to the humanitarian ethos and memory of Dr. Jayadeva Yogendra, who dedicated his life to selfless service by advancing the practice and understanding of yoga.  This version of Samattvam will make the profound benefits of Yoga accessible to those who are most in need.  

Dr. Hansaji Yogendra, Director of The Yoga Institute, Mumbai, is a globally acclaimed spiritual guru, wellness mentor and thought leader. The Yoga Institute, Mumbai, under her leadership has been honoured with the Prime Minister’s Award in 2018. Dr. Hansaji has a vibrant, robust and commanding social-media presence which touches the lives of millions of viewers worldwide. Her words, ideas and life-long body of work in Yoga, wellness and mindfulness has the source of powerful change in countless lives. She is a mentor and role model to millions and has conducted more than 100,000 powerful sessions on yoga, wellness, mental health and has authored more than 100 books, many of which are leading bestsellers. Dr. Hansaji is on the board of multiple national and international committees which work on devising yoga syllabi and shaping yoga policy worldwide. Her life is exemplary in its devotion to service and commitment to social well-being. An epitome of grace and wisdom, she is a global symbol of peace, balanced living, and yoga.

The Yoga Institute was established in 1918 by the venerable yoga guru Shri Yogendraji, also known as the Father of Modern Yoga Renaissance. The Yoga Institute celebrated its centenary milestone on 25 December 2018. The 100 year anniversary celebration of the Institute was attended by Shri Ramnath Kovind – Ex--President of India,  M. Venkaiah Naidu  – Ex- Vice President of India. 

The Yoga Institute is a non-profit organization and the oldest organized centre for Yoga in the world. The Institute has a diverse legacy of pioneering work in the field of yoga such as: the “householder yoga” movement, several social initiatives such as Annam Brahma (free meals for the underprivileged), free medical health camps, blood donation drive, wellness and mindfulness programmes, yoga for armed forces and police, holistic health programs, yoga programmes for the municipal and western railway staff, wellness programs and much more.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

एशियन पेन्ट्स चा 'नियो भारत लेटेक्स पेंट या नवीन श्रेणीसह बाजारात प्रवेश हर घर खेलेगा, हर घर खिलेगा’ या घोषवाक्यासह क्रिकेटपटू विराट कोहली या जाहिरात मोहिमेचा ब्रॅण्‍ड अ‍ॅम्बेसिडर

मुंबई१६ एप्रिल २०२४ (AMN)
भारतातील अग्रगण्य पेंट आणि  डेकोर कंपनी, एशियन पेंट्सने अभिमानाने आपला नवीनतम श्रेणीसह नियो भारत लेटेक्स पेंट बाजारात सादर केला आहेएशियन  पेंट्सच्या  तत्त्वज्ञानाच्या केंद्रस्थानी हा विश्वास आहे की  प्रत्येकजण आपल्या कल्पना करत असलेले जीवन तयार करण्यास पात्र आहेस्मार्टमूल्य चालित सोल्यूशन्सला प्राधान्य देऊनब्रँड ग्राहकांना त्यांचेघर स्वप्नांच्या जागेत बदलण्यात मदत करतो. 

नियो भारत लेटेक्स पेंट या दिशेने एक पाऊल दर्शवतेविशेष पॉलिमर तंत्रज्ञानाने सुसज्ज आहे जे उत्कृष्ट फिनिशउच्च कव्हरेज आणि चांगले धुण्याची क्षमता प्रदान करतेपरवडण्यायोग्य असण्यासोबतचनियो भारत लेटेक्स पेंट ग्राहकांसाठी १००० हून अधिक शेड्स ऑफर करतोप्रगतीचे हे रंगज्याचा एशियन पेंट्सने उल्लेख केला आहेते लाखो भारतीयांच्या चांगल्या जीवनासाठी झटणाऱ्या आकांक्षांचे प्रतीक आहेतत्यांची स्वप्ने साकार करण्याच्या प्रवासात त्यांच्यासोबत भागीदारी करण्यासाठी हा ब्रँड समर्पित आहे. 

निओ भारत लेटेक्स पेंट - ‘हर घर खेलेगाहर घर खिलेगाएशियन   पेंट्सने त्यांच्या ग्राहकांना दिलेल्या वचनाला मूर्त स्वरुप देणारे हे त्यांच्या मोहिमेचे केंद्रस्थान आहेहे केवळ गुणवत्तेचे वचनच नव्हे तर एका चांगल्याउज्वल भविष्याच्या दिशेने एक परिवर्तनशील प्रवास दर्शवतेभारताने वाढ आणि विकासाचे नवीन युग स्वीकारत असतानानिओ भारत लेटेक्स पेंट नवीन भारतासाठी निवडक पेंट म्हणून उदयास आला आहे जो ठळकमहत्वाकांक्षी आणि सतत विकसित होत आहेपरिवर्तनाच्या या प्रवासात एशियन पेंट्सने त्यांचा ब्रँड ॲम्बेसेडर म्हणून क्रिकेट आयकॉन विराट कोहलीसोबत भागीदारी केली आहेस्वत:ला अधिक चांगले बनवण्याचा त्याचा सतत प्रयत्न आणि त्याचा खेळ एशियन पेंट्सच्या ग्राहकांसाठी उत्तम घरे तयार करण्याच्या प्रयत्नांशी जुळतो.

नवीन लाँचबद्दल बोलतानाएशियन पेंट्स लि.चे एमडी आणि सीईओअमित सिंगल म्हणाले,“नियो भारत लेटेक्स पेंट आजपर्यंतच्या एशियन पेंट्सच्या सर्वात लक्षणीय लाँचपैकी एक आहेया उत्पादनासहआम्ही संपूर्णपणे नवीन श्रेणी सादर करूनसंपूर्ण भारतातील ग्राहकांसाठी ते अधिक सुलभ बनवून उद्योगात क्रांती घडवत आहोतवैविध्यपूर्ण वैशिष्ट्यांसह आणि प्रत्येक प्राधान्यासाठी वैविध्यपूर्ण रंग पॅलेटसह पॅक केलेलेआमची नवीन ऑफर आमच्या ग्राहकांच्या विशिष्ट गरजा पूर्ण करण्यासाठी डिझाइन केलेली आहेब्रँडेड सोल्यूशनसह असंघटित विभागामध्ये प्रवेश करूनआम्ही बाजाराचा विस्तार करणे आणि बाजारपेठेतील नेता म्हणून श्रेणी वाढ करणे हे आमचे ध्येय आहे. 

एशियन पेन्ट्स सोबतच्या त्याच्या संबंधावर भाष्य करताना, विराट कोहली म्हणाला, “नेतृत्व, नाविन्य आणि भक्कम मूल्यांसाठी ओळखल्या जाणाऱ्या ब्रँडशी जोडल्याबद्दल मी खरोखरच उत्साहित आणि आनंदी आहे. माझ्यासाठी एशियन पेंट्स एका ब्रँडपेक्षा अधिक प्रतिनिधित्व करतात आणि ते क्रिकेटसारखे आहे; जवळजवळ प्रत्येक भारतीय घराचा एक भाग बनून आपल्या जीवनात आनंद आणि उत्साह आणतो. या परिवर्तनाच्या प्रवासाशी सुसंगतपणे, एशियन पेंट्स नियो भारत लेटेक्स पेंटच्या लॉन्चिंगमध्ये भागीदारी केल्याबद्दल मला खरोखरच सन्मान वाटतो आणि एशियन पेंट्सला नवीन आणि प्रगतीशील भारताचा एक मजबूत भाग बनवण्यास प्रवृत्त करतो.

Friday, April 5, 2024

MIVI Paves the Way for 'Make in India' Audio with their second R&D & Manufacturing Facility; Makes Rs. 200 Cr Investment

NATIONAL/ MUMBAI, 5th APRIL, 2024 (AMN) MIVI (Avishkaran Industries), a leading homegrown manufacturer of audio electronics, laid the foundation stone for its new state-of-the-art factory in Hyderabad, Telangana. The ceremony was graced by the principal secretary of the state, Jayesh Ranjan and vice-chairman of the state TSIIC, Mr. Vishnu Vardhan. A first of its kind in the country, the factory will house the R&D and manufacturing under one roof. The new facility represents a significant investment of INR 200 Crore by MIVI in Telangana and will create 2000 new jobs.

The new facility will be outfitted with cutting-edge technologies and meticulously designed to uphold the highest benchmarks of environmental sustainability. This state-of-the-art manufacturing establishment boasts the prowess to produce a remarkable 100,000 units daily, encompassing an extensive array of audio products, including earphones, soundbars, speakers, gaming accessories, and an assortment of allied merchandise. This monumental expansion effectively doubles the company’s production capacity in comparison to its existing factory.

The company’s strategic vision extends beyond its proprietary Mivi brand, as it aims to collaborate with esteemed international brands as a product development and manufacturing contractor, with ongoing discussions to solidify such partnerships.

Midhula Devabhaktuni, Co founder and CMO said “This factory isn’t just bricks and mortar; it’s a symbol of innovation and progress. Alongside producing exceptional products, it will generate opportunities and positive impact nationwide. Notably, it will house component manufacturing for wearables, presently non-existent in India. This is a proud milestone for MIVI and India, showcasing our nation’s burgeoning manufacturing capabilities and reducing reliance on foreign imports in the audio electronics domain. We are honoured to be at the forefront of this ‘Make in India’ revolution, contributing to the country’s self-reliance and economic progress.”

The new factory is expected to be operational by March 2025. Presently, the company is the only manufacturing company in the audio space in India and has a Manufacturing facility employing 1500+ people in Hardware Park, Shamshabad, Hyderabad.Ends/(AMN)

GJEPC Inaugurates the 2nd edition of IIJS Tritiya in Bangalore today 5th to 8th April 2024

GJEPC Unveils “Brilliant Bharat” Theme at IIJS Tritiya

IIJS Tritiya: The Gateway to Global Gem and Jewellery Exports!

India Gem & Jewellery Machinery Expo (IGJME) runs concurrently with IIJS Tritiya Bengaluru 2024

GJEPC signs MoU with Karnataka Jewellers Association

BANGALORE, 5th APRIL, 2024 (AMN): India’s apex trade body, The Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) inaugurated the 2nd edition of the India International Jewellery Show - IIJS Tritiya – in Bangalore (Karnataka) at the Bangalore International Exhibition Centre (BIEC) from 5th to 8th April 2024. India Gem & Jewellery Machinery Expo (IGJME) is running concurrently with IIJS Tritiya Bangalore 2024 for the first time ever to showcase world-class technology in manufacturing powered by digital technology tools and techniques.  

GJEPC unveils “Brilliant Bharat” theme for next six India International Jewellery Shows (IIJS). The Brilliant Bharat theme is aimed at rediscovering and celebrating India’s traditions, cultural diversity, and innovative technology to create something truly extraordinary. It also helps to explore the magic of India’s rich heritage, the beauty of our craftsmanship, and the warmth of our people."

IIJS Tritiya was hailed as the gateway for ‘Gateway to Global gem & jewellery Exports’ by the distinguished dignitaries during the inauguration. The inaugural was graced by Dr. Selvakumar, IAS, Principal Secretary, Industries and Commerce, Govt. of Karnataka; Dr. B Govindan, Chairman, Bhima Jewellery; Shri Vinod Hayagriv, MD & Director, C. Krishniah Chetty Group; Mr. Vipul Shah, Chairman, GJEPC; Dr. Chetan Kumar Mehta, President, Jewellers Association Bengaluru; Mr. Kirit Bhansali, Vice Chairman, GJEPC; Mr. Nirav Bhansali, Convener-National Exhibitions, GJEPC and Member of Committee of Administration (COA), GJEPC; and Mr. Sabyasachi Ray; ED, GJEPC.

Mr. Vipul Shah, Chairman, GJEPC and Dr. Chetan Kumar Mehta, President, Jewellers Association Bengaluru signed an MoU to promote gem & jewellery exports from the State through a series of initiatives to be fronted by GJEPC including the Karnataka Jewellery Park.

This year's IIJS Tritiya is bigger, ‘smarter’ and better than last year, featuring over 900 exhibitors and 1,900 stalls across 40,000 square meters. It serves as a vast marketplace, providing invaluable opportunities for industry players to connect, collaborate, and thrive. It has over 15,000 pre-registered visitors from over 500 cities in India and 60 countries, underscoring the event's global significance.

Along with showcasing an extensive range of gold jewellery collections that reflect the rich heritage and craftsmanship of India's jewellery industry, a notable addition to this year's exhibition is the India Gem & Jewellery Machinery Expo (IGJME), showcasing the latest innovations and technologies in machinery from both national and international realms.

Dr. Selvakumar, IAS, Principal Secretary, Industries and Commerce, Govt. of Karnataka, said, “Karnataka’s gem & jewellery industry sets new benchmarks in entrepreneurship, excellence and innovation through technology. Karnataka’s skilled craftsmen are renowned for creating world famous for exquisite and intricate jewellery such as temple jewellery, antique jewellery and Nakash jewellery among others. IIJS Tritiya is a testament to India’s positioning as a hub for designer jewellery powered by smart technology. IIJS Tritiya reconfirms the industry’s commitment, contribution and collaborative efforts to increase gem & jewellery exports from Karnataka and south India.”

Mr. Vipul Shah, Chairman, GJEPC said, "We are a USD 40 billion export industry today, but the scope and potential for further growth is immense, with the ever-increasing demand in the global gem and jewellery market. GJEPC is working closely with Government to secure favorable polices in the upcoming trade pacts for our sector including FTAs with GCC, Canada, UK and EU. Additionally, GJEPC has successfully pursued the government to introduce measures to facilitate ease of doing business in the e-commerce for retail exports of jewellery from the country, enabling Indian sellers to seamlessly deliver their products to global buyers.”

Dr. B Govindan, Chairman, Bhima Jewellery, said, “Investing in the jewellery industry not only creates jobs but also contributes significantly to the economy. It's essential for every citizen to recognise its potential and participate in its growth. With proper support and industry knowledge, this sector can thrive, providing employment opportunities and driving economic development."

Mr. Vinod Hayagriv, MD & Director, C. Krishniah Chetty Group, said, IIJS Tritiya will soon become the landmark show for the whole of India. The show has not only got bigger, but it's got smarter – similar to Bangalore’s reputation as a smart city. We look forward to a very smart industry in the coming decade. I think $70 billion is a very doable target and with GJEPC being there at the helm, I think we could easily achieve that much earlier than 2030.”

Kirit Bhansali, Vice Chairman, GJEPC said, “The Council is focused on empowering MSMEs through initiatives like Common Facility Centres, Mega CFCs, Jewellery Park in Mumbai, Gem Bourse in Jaipur alongside digital platforms for enhanced marketing and sales. These efforts not only contribute to the industry's expansion in the global market but also ensure its alignment with the principles of Viksit Bharat.” 

Dr. Chetan Kumar Mehta, President, Jewellers Association Bengaluru said, “We pledge unwavering support from the Jewellers Association, Bangalore (JAB), to ensure the industry's continual growth and prosperity. With GJEPC’s commendable efforts and initiatives, our industry is on a path to greater organisation and success. As President of JAB, I extend our full support to GJEPC and all industry stakeholders. Thank you to everyone for joining this celebration, and here's to the success of the second edition of IIJS Tritiya.”

Mr. Nirav Bhansali, Convener, National Exhibitions, GJEPC, said, “IIJS is India's leading platform to facilitate gems and jewellery business.  Between 3 shows and 9000 booths IIJS is the gateway for Indian gems and Jewels to the world. IIJS gives opportunities to MSME companies meet customers from across the world.” 

“IIJS Tritiya has also become smarter, bigger and better than last year. It serves as a vast marketplace, providing invaluable opportunities for industry players to connect, collaborate, and thrive. IIJS Tritiya platform is an opportunity for MSME manufacturers to meet global buyers to reach international markets,” said Mr. Bhansali. 

IIJS Tritiya offers various features and amenities aimed at enhancing the experience including Innov8 Talks providing insights and perspectives. Furthermore, we have introduced several initiatives to embrace digitalization and sustainability. Features such as digital badges, face recognition processes, and the IIJS App streamline operations while minimizing paper usage. Under the One Earth Initiative for IIJS shows, we have already planted 150,000 trees exceeding expectations,” added Mr. Bhansali.

About The Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC)

The Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC), set up by the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India (GoI) in 1966, is one of several Export Promotion Councils (EPCs) launched by the Indian Government, to boost the country’s export thrust, when India’s post-Independence economy began making forays in the international markets. Since 1998, the GJEPC has been granted autonomous status. The GJEPC is the apex body of the gems & jewellery industry and today represents 8800 members in the sector.  With headquarters in Mumbai, GJEPC has Regional Offices in New Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Surat and Jaipur, all of which are major centres for the industry. It thus has a wide reach and is able to have a closer interaction with members to serve them in a direct and more meaningful manner. Over the past decades, GJEPC has emerged as one of the most active EPCs and has continuously strived to both expand its reach and depth in its promotional activities as well as widen and increase services to its members.


‘कोण होणार हिटलर?’ या महाराष्ट्राला पडलेल्या प्रश्नाचे मिळाले ‘क्युट’ उत्तर! ‘मु. पो. बोंबीलवाडी’ मध्ये प्रशांत दामले साकारणार हिटलर

१ जानेवारी रोजी प्रदर्शित होणाऱ्या या चित्रपटाचे लेखन-दिग्दर्शन परेश मोकाशी यांचे तर निर्मिती मधुगंधा कुलकर्णी आणि श्री भरत शितोळे यांची मुं...